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John Jay College - Scholarship Application and Search

John Jay College of Criminal Justice offers various institutional scholarships to support our newly admitted and continuing students.  Our scholarships are generally based on strong academic work and a commitment to public service.  Opportunities are available for undergraduate and graduate students.  Most scholarships are open to all John Jay College students, regardless of residency/immigration status.
Explore the wide range of scholarships we offer.

College Scholarships

**The following 2025-26 applications are now OPEN to currently enrolled John Jay College students:
  • 2025-26 General Scholarship application 
  • Study Abroad Scholarships application
  • Research, Conference, and Internship Scholarships application
The application deadline for all opportunities is Friday, April 25, 2025. **


The general application is intended for currently enrolled John Jay students. 
Newly admitted students (for Fall 2025) will be contacted directly about scholarships.    

LOGIN Instructions: 

Please sign in using your John Jay College email username and password (not CUNYfirst credentials). 
Please note that  other supplemental applications may also appear based on eligibility.   
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